International Conference
“The Future of Faith in the Age o Globalization”
18 – 19 September 2010
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Call for Papers
“The Future of Faith in the Age o Globalization”
18 – 19 September 2010
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Call for Papers
The Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSSUK)
The Faculty of Islamic Studies in Sarajevo
The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge
The Centre for The Study of Democracy, University of Westminstern
The Center for Advanced Studies in Sarajevo
Call for Papers
Submission of Abstracts
Please submit a 200 word abstract of the paper with a 150 word Bio by 5th April 2010 to:
• with cc to:
Decisions on which papers will be included in the conference programme will be announced by the organisers by the end of May and the information will be sent by e-mail. Selection of the papers will be made on the basis of quality and relevance to the conference themes.
2-day international conference
The phenomenon of globalisation has unleashed unprecedented forces in the spheres of politics, culture, economics, science and technology, and international relations. First and foremost, the evolution of the nation-state and its institutions as the most dominant dynamic in global politics and economics – and with national and international security as its overriding interest or motive – poses a major challenge to faith communities around the world. Second, dynamics such as the homogenisation of culture, the operation of market forces and the continuous advent and proliferation of new technologies, particularly in the
sphere of communication, have created a new form of consumerism that is global in scope, with its own logic of operation and its own secularised value system. These unprecedented dynamics pose multifaceted challenges to faith communities around the world, and arguably, to the future of faith in a new, globalised world. This conference is set to address these challenges.
The primary objective of the conference is to explore faith-based perspectives which may help in understanding and responding to the multi-faceted challenges of the phenomenon of globalisation. Second, the conference seeks to identify common grounds among different
faith communities that may constitute a basis for collaborative efforts in dealing with certain
aspects of globalisation, particularly in the areas of education, peace building, poverty eradication and healthcare, international finance and the environment. A third objective is to encourage new and critical thinking by Muslim and other faith scholars in relation to issues and challenges of globalisation.
Some of the fundamental questions that will be addressed in the conference are:
1. What is new about the phenomenon of globalisation?
How is it different from previous experiences of globalisation faced by human civilisation?
2. What can a faith-based perspective offer in understanding the dynamics – and consequences – of globalisation? Specifically, can Jewish, Christian and Muslim faith traditions offer intellectual perspectives that are relevant to the current challenges facing their new generations of followers who are living in – and subjected to – the new age of globalisation?
3. Does globalisation have a moral imperative of its own, derived from its logic of operation? If not, where does its moral code come from?
4. Is a faith-based moral order for global politics and culture and economy/finance possible? In other words, are the claims to universality of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other world religions sufficient to meet the moral needs of a globalised human society in every sphere?
5. If a faith-based moral order for the global community is possible, what types of engagement are needed to create synergy between faith communities and a new synthesis – or common ground – for a faith-based universal moral order? Specifically, what can a universal, faith-based moral order offer to address the challenges of religious and political extremism, terrorism, drug and human trafficking, issues of social justice and the transgressions of the nationstate system on the rights of individuals, communities and
minority groups?
6. Can faith-based moral alternatives be considered as viable for the new financial architecture as well as for production and consumption patterns in overcoming the excesses and moral deficiency of the current global economic order and financial system?
7. How can faith-based scholarship contribute to the critique of contemporary globalisation? Is there an alternative? What practical steps can faith-based scholars take towards “global” engagement?
8. What is the future of faith in relation to the phenomenon of globalisation?
Attendance is by Registration only.
for further information please contact:
P.O. Box 126
Surrey TW9 2UD