Fondacija Kralj Abdulaziz iz Saudijske Arabije ponovo je 2013. odštampala
knjigu mostarskog muftije Ali(ja) Fehmi ef. Džabića „Husn as-sahaba fi šarh
aš'ar as-sahaba“ ("حسن
الصحابة في شرح أشعار الصحابة"). Knjiga je ovo koja govori o poeziji ashaba (r.a.)
Božijeg poslanika (a.s.) i u kojoj su sabrane njihove kaside i poezija, zajedno
sa njihovim biografijama. Ukupno je obrađeno preko šezdeset ashaba i njihova
poezija. Knjigu je muftija Džabić napisao dok je, nakon što je protjeran iz
Bosne, predavao arapski jezik i književnost na najprestižnijem univerzitetu
Darul-funun u Istanbulu.
Ovo pomalo zaboravljeno djelo toliko je važno i vrijedno da je proglašeno
najboljim djelom u toj oblasti i njegovo štampanje je podržalo Ministarstvo
nauke i obrazovanja Kraljevine. Knjiga je reprint izdanja koje je prije nešto
više od stotinu godina štampano u Bosni. Urednik izdanja je poznati istraživač
prof. dr. Abdullah bin Abdurahman Usejlan, predsjednik Kluba književnika iz
Medine. Po mišljenju urednika jednostavno ni prije ni poslije nije napisano
nešto bolje iz ove oblasti da bi zaslužilo ponovno štampanje.
Muftija Džabić koji se potpisao kao (جابي زادة علي فهمي) bio je nenadmašni autoritet u oblasti arapskog jezika i
književnosti, ali je u bosanskoj historiji poznat kao predvodnik pokreta za
vjersko-prosvjetnu autonomiju Bošnjaka u A-U monarhiji.
U aprilu 1900. austro-ugarske vlasti smijenile su muftiju Džabića i
zatvorile mostarsku kiraethanu gdje je djelovao sa svojim sljedbenicima. „Muftija
sa pet saradnika 1902. odlazi u Istanbul na konsultacije sa Mešihatom, što
koristi austro-ugarska vlast proglašavajući ih neovlašćenim iseljenicima i
zabranjujući im povratak u domovinu pod prijetnjom zatvorske kazne i ponovnog
protjerivanja. Muftija Džabić je do kraja života ostao u Turskoj. Umro je u
Istanbulu 12. augusta 1918. Pokopan je na mezarju kod Edirne kapije, u blizini
mezara Imama Birgivija. Štatut za autonomnu upravu islamskih i
vjersko-mearifskih poslova ozakonjen je 15. aprila 1909, čime je ispunjen cilj
Taj statut i ideja autonomne vjerske zajednice muslimana koja je prvi put
priznata u nemuslimanskoj Evropi je i danas temelj uređenja „islamskog pitanja“
u Evropi dok će njegove knjige ponovo izučavati mladići i djevojke Arabije i
čitavog arapskog i muslimanskog svijeta.
The book by Mufti
of Mostar Džabić reprinted in Saudi Arabia
The book Husn
as-sahaba fi šarh aš'ar as-sahaba“ ("حسن الصحابة في شرح أشعار الصحابة")
by the Mufti of Mostar, Ali Fehmi Džabić (d.1918) has been reprinted by King
Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives (Darah) in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. It's a book of the poetry of the Companions (r.a.) of the Messenger of
God (Muhammad a.s.), in which their qasidas and poetry are collected and it is
a great reminder of how the non-native Arabic speakers have often rendered a
great service to Arabic language and to Islam.
In total, over
sixty Companions, their biographies and poetry were treated. The book was
written by Mufti Džabić while he was teaching Arabic language and literature at
the most prestigious Darul-Funun University in Istanbul, after being expelled
from Bosnia.
This somewhat
forgotten work is so important that it was declared the best work in the field.
Its printing was supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of the KSA.
The book is a reprint of a Bosnian edition that was issued a little over a
hundred years ago.
The editor of
the publication is the well-known researcher, Prof. Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman
'Usejlan, President of the Medina Writers' Club. According to the editors,
nothing better was written in this genre since the book's publication.
Mufti Džabić,
who signed his name (جابي زادة علي
فهمي), was an unsurpassed
authority in the field of Arabic language and literature but is known in
Bosnian history as the leader of the movement for religious and educational
autonomy of Bosniaks in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
In April 1900,
the Austro-Hungarian authorities removed Mufti Džabić and closed the Mostar
kiraethana (the reading house, printing press) where he worked with his
followers. In 1902, the Mufti and five associates went to Istanbul for
consultations with the Mashaykhat.
This was used
by the Austro-Hungarian government to declare them unauthorized emigrants and
forbid them from returning to their homeland under the threat of imprisonment
and deportation. Mufti Džabić remained in Turkey until the end. He died in
Istanbul on August 12, 1918.
He was buried
in a cemetery near the Gate of Edirne, near the grave of Imam Birgivi (d.1573).
The statute for the autonomous administration of Islamic and religious-me'arif
affairs was legalized on April 15, 1909, which fulfilled the goal of the
This statute
and the idea of an autonomous religious community of Muslims, which was
recognized for the first time in Europe, is still the foundation of the
"Islamic question" in Europe. His books will be re-studied by young
men and women in the Arab and Muslim lands. (translated by Ermin Sinanović)